This weekend I received my first tintype portrait in the mail by photographer @gilesclement, and it was really special to open the box and hold it in my hand for the first time. I know this sounds cheesy, but I’m pretty sure I held my breath as I was opening the box just like a kid opening up a Christmas present. It made me realize how spoiled we’ve become in the digital age, and how we expect and demand things instantaneously all the time.
Tintype predates film and was widely used in the 1860’s and 1870’s, so it is quite a unique experience if you ever get the opportunity to have one taken of you. It is by far the most memorable photo that I’ve ever had taken of me, especially since I spend most of the time on the other side of the camera these days.
I’m obsessed with handmade crafts, and inspired by people like Giles that are able to make a living doing what they love, creating handcrafted goods that help create deep and meaningful experiences for us. I hope to give this portrait away as a gift one day and have it passed down from generation to generation.